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He worked as a newspaper journalist in Kyiv, Ukraine during the leadup to the Orange Revolution, and he covered cities, state government and crime and courts for various newspapers in Oregon and Montana. In addition to his radio and television experience, Tim’s background is in print reporting. Prior to coming to WBEZ in July, 2012, Tim was the director of digital content at KTUU-Channel 2, the NBC affiliate in Anchorage Alaska, where he directed digital coverage of two Iditarod dog sled races and traveled the state extensively to help connect Alaska’s remote rural communities with hub communities as well as the urban population in Anchorage.

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He oversees digital content and social engagement for Chicago Public Media. Tim is a writer, editor, multimedia producer and digital journalist.

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Each reader tells a personal story based on that month’s theme, and requests a song that’s played by our band, The First Time Three. The First Time is a regular storytelling and reading series benefiting CHIRP Radio.

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